Library Header rpm yum apt-get package managers in Linux

To use an applicaton/sw we need binary/executable/program in linux machine.
These binaries can be installed for use in Unix by:
1)directlt installing the binaries from
a)"apt-get install" package manager for debiana and debian like Linux
like Ubuntu.
b)"rpm -i "(yum, wrapper around rpm) for redhat, fadora and CentOS.
These package managers contains the repository urls for the softwares
for the current version of the OS.
2)by downloading the compress source code(.tg etc)
uncompress/tar and
cd ./config
make install.
apt-advance packet Tool
rpm-red hat package manager
package in Linux first searched in local repositore ie /etc/yum.repos.d/
this contains link of server/repository for softwares to get
downloaded from and installed.
we can give the url of repository our self in /etc/yum.config file.
packages should be updates as might have new version of software have
been uploaded in the

repository or might be new security updates have come in the repository.
header files:
contains the declarations of the functions used in different modules
of a sw/application.
implementation of the functions are given in .c/cpp files and compiled
into object

files(machine language/assembly language) and bundled into a single
file as library.
So, In future when any change is there in any function/sw then only
the respective
library is shared with the client using the sw or updated to Linux
Repository from where
Linux users can update their OS by
sudo ap-get update package-name

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